Monday, December 26, 2005

Creativity or Paperwork?

Lauri Anderson would say, Quien es mas macho, Creativity or Paperwork?

I get up every day with this dilemna. Can I just go into my studio and work? Or do I have to do the paperwork first. Aaaaarrgh. All this stuff that gets my artwork out into the world. It is so not fun, and it is so necessary. Earlier in the year, I worked with my friend and excellent coach, Dale Zevin who had me on this great schedule. Paperwork from 8:30 to 11:30. To the pool noon to one, lunch and back at work in the studio from 2-5:30. Then back in the studio by 7:30 to whenever, which took care of dinner and walking the dogs. I logged my hours. It works really well. But am I doing that now? I promise, I'll start back on this schedule today!

I'm so excited every day, by solving the problems I create for myself. What really works for me in my creative process is that I limit myself. I put design parameters on my work. I give a project a limit on what I materials I can use, or the color palette, some restraints. If I didn't there would be too many variables, and I would be lost in decision making. You know, the dreaded white sheet of paper. In this manner, I am allowed to be Ms. Free Range (people have actually commented on my skinny chicken legs) things usually flow, and it is easier to plug into the source. Not to say that I don't go off track. Funny, how when the hands are working, the mind wanders into other worlds, creating yet more ideas and future projects.

Anyway, here's my progress for the PVAC show.

More lengths have been created. We're actually starting to see some width.

I am now painting these thinner strips that then are sewn down the middle of the wider strips. They are getting wings that stretch and cross over, weft like.

Here's a bag of shredded morning pages with the shreds being glued and sewn to thinner strips. These will be sewn onto a wider width, maybe after my paperwork gets done.

More lengths of sewn eucalyptus leaves

Here's one of my my traveling boxes of paperwork, awaiting my attention. Interesting how it got placed at the bottom of today's writing.

1 comment:

robin andrea said...

What catches my eye are the eucalyptus leaves. I can't wait to see how they are part of of the whole piece. Very beautiful.