Today I leave for the Whidbey studio. I'm taking Zuma, the one on the right,who will ride shotgun. Great traveler, and the perfect cuddler. Tonite I'll stay in Ashland with Ann and her son Charlie. My fear is that Charlie will be way taller than me, and will now have a deep voice. Kids are the thing that illustrates how fast time travels, and that although you still feel 16, you can tell that you're not because of kids. I remember asking my Dad, when he was 86 how old he felt, and he said, "Oh, about 23." I wonder what that's all about? Anybody have the answer?
Speaking of being in your 80's, one of the reasons I'm traveling to the Northwest, is that my cousin Joyce is turning 80. She'll be having a big blow out this Saturday in Olympia. I'm looking forward to seeing how our genes are doing and see if they also feel 16 or 23. Joyce's grandaughter Sarah, just got her driver's license. Yipes. She's probably taller than me too! I know her Great Grandparents Sid and Sam are smiling down on her.
Tomorrow nite, I stay with my delicious friend Lin Haak in Portland. Lin is a fantastic painter, and has the biggest heart. Last summer, we held Art Camp on Port Townsend at Shane's and then on Whidbey. Lin had us up at 6 a.m. to catch the light for Plein Air painting. We will dine with other fab pals, Shirl Lipkin, Jan and Kathy. Just before Portland, I'll stop at the Zeek Gallery to deliver work. All the folks at dinner show at the Zeek Gallery, so we hope your ears are burning, Mary Lou.
After the Joyce fest, I'll stay in Seattle with my dear friend Betz. She is my dream sister. This woman has SO much talent. Currently, she is in her frog period. You must see her gorgeous sculptures on her website. The next morning, I'll deliver this artpiece, entitled Geometry to collectors in Bellevue.

Then Z and I will arrive on Whidbey! Yum! A glimpse of what the studio looks like up there.

Happy Trails! Hope we get to see you while you're up here in our neck of the woods.
BTW-- Love this site. We tried to find it once before without luck. Now I've bookmarked it and will be back. Great stuff here!
Well, I love the thoughts about watching people whom we knew when they were born become teenagers and worse. It's true that it is a quick way to feel one's own age! I'm also noticing another way - running into people I haven't seen in years and noticing how - well - OLD they look. Then I have to wonder if I am also looking old to them. I don't feel old either - probably about 30ish - until I have one of these chance encounters!
Love your blogs, they are so wide-ranging, entertaining, richly layered, and informative. Your pals must love getting their 15 seconds of fame also!!! Keep 'em coming, hon!
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