Friday, December 14, 2007

Drawing for the Terrified

Values scales with a 4B pencil
I've been watching a DVD of the same title, and here are the first results. I am getting less scared every minute. I'm even thinking that I could maybe take the Painting the Still Life Workshop at the in Boston Encaustic Conference with Alexandre Masino. Now that would be too grand for words!

Construct and mount a grid
dining chair 12/22

stool Betty and Bob gave me 12/25

1 comment:

franswazz said...

I am a member of "Drawing for the Terrified"....
I had made the decision to draw EVERY DAY but have lapsed the past few weeks.
Thanks to you I will make a HUGE effort to get back in to the routine.
Love your grid, will make a similar one.
Keep up the good work!