Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Korea Day 12-flashback to Do-Ho Suh

detail of Some/one 2001 Do-Ho Suh
Some/One 2001 Do-Ho Suh
This morning we visited the Deok Su Gung Palace. We arrived just in time for the changing of the guard. When I saw this fellow in full dress, I had a flashback to the first time I saw Do-Ho Suh's work at the Seattle Art Museum. I wondered if maybe this was some sort of inspiration for his 2001 work, Some/one. Mostly he talks about identity and the body, but I couldn't help thinking that maybe this was visual origin? I could be totally off the mark. I found a great interview with Do-Ho Suh with lots of wonderful photos of his work at designboom.

detail of Guard garb, Deok Su Gung Palace
Guard, Deok Su Gung Palace


Kim Tyler said...

What a wonderful observation. As always, your remarkable ability to see the connecting threads is so inspiring and exciting!

Stephanie Clayton said...

i'm really enjoying these photos. interesting patterning, almost mesmerizing.
it's a fascination and pleasure to find possible/probable connections between visual observation and one's art.

Student Hannah said...

Wow! It's really nice to see how you executed this sculpture and the entire process including your inspiration from traditional cultural garb! Very nice. :)