My sales got off to an early start. A lovely woman bought two small paintings, then turned around and said, "I better get this one, (Get Up and Dance), or I know I will regret it"! You know those stories, we all have them, of the one that got away! I still regret not buying that Black Cowboy hat in Del Mar in 1978 (?) Do you have any you want to tell me about?
I sold a lot of small paintings off my "Such-a-Deal" wall. Small experiments at remarkably low prices. I am happy that they will have new homes!
So many people visited. Old friends, students, future students, neighbors and new friends.
I love this town. We went to see The White Album lastnite, again! For the first time, they performed with the Santa Cruz Symphony. A pre-show performance outside the Civic by The Amazing Morgani, dressed in full Beatles regalia, including the hair do, moustache, Sargent Peppers Jacket with metals and 10" high heel red and black boots, playing all Beetles tunes on his accordion. Splendid. He sews all his own clothes. Wow, what inspiration. What a Divine evening. What a combination. Members of the Symphony, when not playing were dancing on stage. How Santa Cruz is this..The Mark Stephens Yoga group performed Vinyasa Flow Yoga all around the Civic to Within You Without You, sung by Tiran Porter. They were cut, ripped, and displayed the most amazingly strong bodies. Naturally, they wore tie died muscle shirts. Only in Santa Cruz. The whole thing was a trip, and this combination absolutely brought the house down. A perfectly fitting ending to our wonderful SPLAT tour day one.
We arrived home, to find an adorable plastic box at the front door, from neighbor Kris, just back from Japan with my favorite push pins! How loving is that!

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