Rodney's shelf of reconstituted to enlarge.
This past weekend, I went to the most MAHvelous retreat. 34 Encaustic artists from as far north as Sequim and Whidbey Island in Washington and as far south as L.A., all gathered at the fantastic home and studio of the gracious and multi-talented Rodney Thompson in Redding. We spent on entire day doing "demos" and showing each other how we do what we do, our cool and hot tools, and laughing a whole lot. I was hoping that I could insert a few more memory cards into my brain, because there was so much information disseminated, it was hard to take it all in. Fortunately there were a lot of cameras, so it is well documented. I've decided to post one photo of each demo (for which I took photos). My dream is to create a link to each person, show all the photos I have of their demo, link to their website, etc etc. Good intentions, and a great idea, however my artwork life is accelerating at a furious pace right now and I must be in my studio
painting painting and painting! Anyway it was an amazing retreat. Thank you Rodney for having us, and doing a splendid job of organizing and making us feel right at home. When can we do it again?
Rodney starts us off with a talk about grounds and supports.
Sandi Miot is next, talking about texture.
She loves that new digital heat gun of Rodney's.
Now we all have to have one!
Michel Tsouris' lovely locks in the foreground.

Judith Williams shows all the tricks she can do
with her creme brulee torch.

Hylla Evans shows us her TS-4000 propane torch
Hylla is paint maker extraordinaire of
Evans Encaustics.
Cari Bolton is the master/mistress of the smoothest shiniest surface.
Shows us her tacking iron chops.

Rodney gives us a meticulous demo on
how to make our own cradled panels.
No dice Rodney, I'm buying mine from you!
Adele Shaw takes it all in.

As does
Eileen Goldenberg dazzles us with texture.
Her paintbrush is so fast, it's outta focus!

Adele, Me and Eileen
showing how to snap our latex gloves
before my
Dipping at the Trough Demo.

Anne Kinkaide showing us working sculpturally
with hand cast paper.

Belinda with another way of working 3D.

Karen Ehlers-The Stencil Queen

Hanna Mott shows us her great texture work.

Cathy Valentine shows working with
india ink and a willow stick.

And last, but not least
our beloved Madame President,
Gail Steinberg showing her work
with embedded items and
working on paper.
Terrific tour of what looks like a deeply satisfying retreat! Thanks Dotty for your ongoing servings of inspiration and creativity!
Thank you Sigrid, dearest. It was sucha pleasure!
Looks like a great time, Dotty. So much color and texture and light. Beautiful.
I would like to attend the next retreat. How can I receive your mailings. I love encaustic.
Hi, My name is Carol Ross, I have b een working in encaustic about a year now. Would love info on your next retreat-my encaustics will be updated soon-look at:
email me at if you can share info about joinging any westcoast encaustic groups or workshops...
I would also love to attend the next retreat. I have been working in encaustic for the last 5 years, mainly using monotype.
Please add to any mailing you might have going. Sounds like an amazing experience. Sorry to miss it.
Hello, I do not agree with the previous commentator - not so simple
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