Saturday, September 11, 2010

Korea Day 9-IAPMA day 5

We all took morning workshops. Mine was making a Hanji lamp, which was wonderful fun. I fell in love with Hanji. It is wonderful to the touch, strong and easy to work.
 Jung Shin scores me the bus driver's calendar!
Then we hop on a bus and drive into the mountains for a Temple Stay. We leave our luggage at our hotel in Wonju. We take jammies and toiletries to the Temple-as little as possible.
On our way, we pass beautiful rustic farmlands, this must be the onion capital of Korea. We stop for a traditional Korean lunch. This is a wall near the restaurant.
We meet and fall in love with this monk who has the light shining beaming out of her. Monk with iPhone. Apple commercial? We show her Talking Carl, the hilarious app!
 We include Jung Shin, and have a media fest!
Then rituals around drums and sounding of giant gongs.
The women under 65 sleep together, in the big room. The "older" women sleep  in maybe more comfy quarters, and the men yet at another venue. We sleep to the gentle and not so gentle snoring around the room, on a lovely heated floor.

1 comment:

Kim Tyler said...

9-11 in the US has been a day for the lunatic fringe to get even loonier. Anti Islamic rhetoric at fever pitch, insanity reigns. Pray for the world at that temple!